
Marital Portion of Pension

Age Patterns in Divorce

Cost of Living Adjustment in Equitable Distribution of Pension: A Hybrid Method

Defined Contribution Plans in Divorce

Early Retirement Window Enhancements and Divorce

Formula Enhancements to a Defined Benefit Pension

Marital Portion of NJ Pensions

Marital Portion of Pensions: Immediate Offset vs Deferred Distribution

Present Value Calculation Versus Deferred Distribution of Employee Stock Options

Reconciling Mixed Signals: Are Disability Payments Marital Property?

Survivor Annuity is a Marital Asset

The Demarco Case and Delayed Retirement

The Disability Issue in the Distribution of Military Retirement Benefits

The Social Security Offset in Distribution Cases:
Reconciling Cornbleth, Elhajj, and McClain

What is the 'Normal' Retirement Age to be Used in Pension Valuation?

What is the Marital Benefit? Reconciling Berrington, Brown, and Gordon

How to Determine the Percentage in a QDRO

Pension Valuation and Deferred Distribution Under Act 175

Overlooking a Marital Asset
Why Past Pension Payments Need to be Valued

Are Past Pension Payments Marital Property?